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  • Writer's pictureKrista

Guacamole With A Twist

No fiesta is complete without guacamole. Whether it's for tortilla chips or to add to your main meal, it's a necessary "add on".

This recipe is one of Mexican-American, Chef Marcela's trio of guacamoles. Her other traditional recipes can be found here. I chose to make her non-traditional recipe, with mangoes and chiles as I think it adds a bit of colour and conversation to your fiesta table.

Mango in guacamole, why not? I'm telling you, give it a try!



Chile Mango Guacamole


4-5 firm, ripe avocados, halved, pitted and peeled

1/2 cup lime juice

1 tsp kosher salt

2 cups fresh cubed mangoes

1 teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes

Chile oil, a splash for garnish


Place avocados in bowl and mash with a fork. Add remaining ingredients and stir until combined. Scoop into a serving vessel. Drizzle a small splash of chile oil.

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