Snow and below zero temperatures have hit Vancouver pretty hard the past two weeks. We don't get this kind of chilled weather very often, so when we do it seems like the whole city shuts down!
In an attempt to be cozy, I've been searching for a winter weather #cocktailoftheweek and came across a variation of The Below Zero cocktail in the Cherry Bombe Cookbook (you can find it here). This cocktail is an absolute perfect example of how-to balanced flavours. The spicy fresh grated ginger plays off of the sweet unfiltered apple cider, and the rosemary adds a subtle herbal note. All of these winter ingredients highlight the warmth of bourbon. My neighbour came over when I was recipe testing and she gave this cold-weather cocktail two thumbs up!
Photo above: Vancouver's recent snowfall - even Lola wouldn't brave the outdoors without her seasonal puffer jacket ;)
The Below Zero is exactly the kind of winter cocktail you want to sip when you are curled up cozy in front of the fire place, watching the snow falling outside.
Vancouver, this winter cocktail's for you!
The Below Zero (loosely adapted from Vinateria, Harlem, NYC)
2 oz bourbon
1 oz rosemary simple syrup*
1 oz lemon juice
1 oz unfiltered apple cider
1/2-1 tablespoon of freshly grated ginger
rosemary sprig, garnish
In a cocktail tin add bourbon, rosemary simple syrup*, lemon juice, apple cider, freshly grated ginger and top with ice. Shake until the outside of the tin becomes chilled and has condensation. Strain into an old fashioned glass. Add one large (slow melting) ice cube and garnish with a sprig of rosemary.
*Rosemary Simple Syrup
1 cup water
1 cup sugar
3 sprigs of fresh rosemary
I a small sauce pan add water, sugar and rosemary sprigs. Bring mixture to a boil. Stir until sugar has been dissolved and liquid is clear - this should only take 30 seconds to 1 minute. Remove sauce pan from heat and let mixture steep for 30 minutes. Strain liquid into a glass, air-tight container and refrigerate. Rosemary simple syrup can be kept for up to a month.